Episode 40: Location Exploration with HoudahGeo
Where did you take that photo? Nearly every smartphone records its position when it captures an image, but very few cameras do. In this episode, we talk to Pierre Bernard, developer of the Mac application HoudahGeo, about how and why you'd want to geotag your photos.
HoudahGeo -- If you want to take photos and remember where they were shot, and your camera doesn't have built-in geo-tagging, use HoudahGeo on the Mac to attach GPS coordinates and location names to your photos. Get 30% off any course with the code PHOTOACTIVE. https://www.houdah.com/houdahGeo/buy.html?coupon=PHOTOACTIVE
Show Notes:
(View show notes with images at PhotoActive.co)
Production Note: We’ve decided to change the frequency of episode releases to fortnightly (every two weeks) due to current commitments we both have.
Wintec WBT-201, the discontinued track logger Pierre uses
Review: Canmore G-Porter GP-102+ data logger, by Rob Griffiths
The Strava Heat Map and the End of Secrets, WIRED (29-Jan-2018)
Geotag Photos Pro, the iOS app Kirk uses
Adobe Photoshop Fix review by Jeff (not yet online)
Our Snapshots:
Jeff: Adobe Photoshop Fix
Kirk: Geotag Photos Pro
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Loading photos in HoudahGeo
Photo: Houdah
Tracklog synced with photos in HoudahGeo
Photo: Houdah